2024 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Electrical Engineering(EPEE 2024)
EPEE 2024
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2024 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Electrical Engineering(EPEE 2024)
第四届能源、动力与电气工程国际学术会议(EPEE 2024)圆满落幕!


From September 20 to 22, 2024, the 2024 4th International Conference on Energy, Power, and Electrical Engineering (EPEE 2024) was grandly held in Wuhan, China. Hosted by Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), this conference garnered technical support from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and its Wuhan Chapter, in collaboration with organizers such as the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST; the Engineering Research Center of Advanced Electrical Machines and Special Electromagnetic Equipment, Ministry of Education; the Cooperation Entity for Sci-Tech Innovation and Talent Cultivation along the Yangtze River Economic Belt on Key Technologies for Next-Generation Medium and High Voltage Power Conversion; the Electric Machinery Committee of Hubei Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Society; Institute of New Energy, Wuhan; and the Academic Exchange Information Center (AEIC).

2024年9月20日至22日,第四届能源、动力与电气工程国际学术会议(EPEE 2024)在中国武汉盛大举行。本次会议由IEEE、IEEE武汉分会提供技术支持,华中科技大学主办,华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院、新型电机与特种电磁装备教育部工程中心、新一代中压和高压电转换关键技术长江经济带科技创新与人才培养合作体、湖北电机工程学会电机专委会、武汉新能源研究院、AEIC学术交流中心联合承办。

Group Photo/大合照

EPEE 2024 会议合照-4.jpg

Embracing a hybrid format of both online and offline participation, the EPEE 2024 pooled over 120 esteemed scholars and experts from around the globe. The conference featured a diverse array of engagement modalities, including keynote speeches, invited presentations, oral presentations, and poster sessions. Specifically, it showcased 4 keynote speeches, 5 invited presentations, 14 oral presentations, and 31 poster exhibitions, fostering an exceptional platform for knowledge sharing and learning among attendees.The conference was privileged to welcome keynote speeches from esteemed speakers, including Professor Kai Yang; Professor Shunli Wang, the Executive Deputy Director of the Smart Energy Storage Institute, Academic Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering at Inner Mongolia University of Technology, and a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Professor Mingming Zhang from Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), the Director of the Institute of Green-Low Carbon Energy Innovation Technology and recipient of the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scientists; and Professor Marcos Gabriel Millan Agorio from Imperial College London. The profound presentations by these four experts garnered immense interest from the scholarly audience, fostering a vibrant atmosphere of exchange and laying a solid foundation for profound discussions on pertinent frontier topics.

会议采用线上与线下相结合的形式,共吸引了来自全球超过120位的专家学者参与,会议内容丰富,设置了大会主题报告、特邀报告、口头报告及海报展示等多种交流模式,成功举办了4场大会主题报告、5场特邀报告、14场口头报告和31场海报展示,为与会人员提供了一个分享与学习的良好平台。会议很荣幸邀请到杨凯教授,智慧储能研究院常务副院长、内蒙古工业大学电力学院学术院长、俄罗斯自然科学院院士王顺利教授,绿色低碳能源创新技术研究所所长、国家优青、哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)张明明教授,英国帝国理工学院Marcos Gabriel Millan Agorio教授作大会报告,四位专家的报告引发了与会学者的广泛关注,现场交流氛围热烈,为深入讨论相关前沿话题奠定了基础。


Prof. Kai Yang from HUST, the Changjiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education and President of the Institute of New Energy, Wuhan


Prof. Shunli Wang, the Executive Deputy Director of the Smart Energy Storage Institute, Academic Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering at Inner Mongolia University of Technology, and a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences



Prof. Mingming Zhang from Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), the Director of the Institute of Green-Low Carbon Energy Innovation Technology and recipient of the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scientists



英国帝国理工学院【Marcos Gabriel Millan Agorio教授】

Prof. Marcos Gabriel Millan Agorio from Imperial College London

The conference featured two parallel sessions: “Flexible Resources Such as Energy Storage and Virtual Power Plants for Secure and Stable Operation of New Power Systems” and “Electrical Engineering Automation and Information Processing,” encompassing multifaceted topics in energy, power, and electrical engineering. Renowned scholars, including Professor Weinan Gao from Northeastern University, Professor Yiming Zhang from Fuzhou University, Associate Professor Yixiao Luo from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor Mingze Zhang from Harbin University of Science and Technology, Lecturer Yang Lei from Anhui University, and numerous oral presenters engaged in discussions that delved into these pressing issues, fostering profound interdisciplinary exchanges. Furthermore, to recognize outstanding contributions, the organizing committee awarded prizes for “Best Papers,” “Outstanding Young Scholars’ Presentations,” and “Best Poster Displays,” underscoring the academic community’s emphasis on and encouragement of research achievements.



With the successful completion of all scheduled sessions, the EPEE 2024 drew to a close amidst resounding applause from attendees. This milestone event not only deepened international and domestic academic collaborations but also invigorated research progress in the fields of energy and power. Participants expressed their eagerness for future gatherings, setting the stage for anticipation towards EPEE 2025, where we will once again converge to celebrate the pinnacle of academic endeavors.

随着各项议程的圆满完成,第四届能源、动力与电气工程国际学术会议(EPEE 2024)在与会者的热烈掌声中顺利闭幕。本次会议的成功举办,不仅深化了国内外学术界的交流与合作,更为推动能源与动力领域的研究进展注入了新的活力。与会专家们纷纷表示期待未来的学术盛会,让我们共同期待EPEE 2025的到来,届时再聚首共襄学术盛举。
